Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 65 –
Hear this Dasakam 65
Dasakam 65 Close contact of Gopis with Krishna.
(As promised Lord Krishna gets prepared for a play of love with the Gopis. This and the next five chapters deals with this play of love called Rasaleela. Lord Krishna starts it all by playing his flute. Those lovelorn maidens come running leaving their jobs as it is and without even bothering to spend time on dressing up.)
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 01
कथितं नियमावसाने
मारोत्सवं त्वमथ साधयितुं प्रवृत्त: ।
सान्द्रेण चान्द्रमहसा शिशिरीकृताशे
प्रापूरयो मुरलिकां यमुनावनान्ते ॥१॥
मारोत्सवं त्वमथ साधयितुं प्रवृत्त: ।
सान्द्रेण चान्द्रमहसा शिशिरीकृताशे
प्रापूरयो मुरलिकां यमुनावनान्ते ॥१॥
gOpii janaaya kathitaM niyamaavasaane
maarOtsavaM tvamatha saadhayituM pravR^ittaH |
saandreNa chaandramahasaa shishiriikR^itaashe
praapuurayO muralikaaM yamunaavanaante || 1
Then as promised to the Gopis when they had finished their penance,
You decided to conduct the festival of love with them,
And in the banks of Yamuna, well lit by the cool autumn moon light,
You started playing the flute in a very pretty manner. 65.1
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 02
सम्मूर्छयन्तमखिलं भुवनान्तरालम् ।
त्वद्वेणुनादमुपकर्ण्य विभो तरुण्य-
स्तत्तादृशं कमपि चित्तविमोहमापु: ॥२॥
सम्मूर्छयन्तमखिलं भुवनान्तरालम् ।
त्वद्वेणुनादमुपकर्ण्य विभो तरुण्य-
स्तत्तादृशं कमपि चित्तविमोहमापु: ॥२॥
sammuurchChanaabhirudita svaramaNDalaabhiH
sammuurchChayantamakhilaM bhuvanaantaraalam |
tvadveNunaadamupakarNya vibhO taruNyaH
tattaadR^ishaM kamapi chittavimOhamaapuH || 2
Oh god, hearing the tunes of your music using the flute,
Which attracts and hypnotizes the entire world,
Which has distinct clarity and quality of the seven notes,
Which has very proper cadences which ascend and descend,
The Gopa lasses were transported to indescribable trance. 65.2
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 03
ता गेहकृत्यनिरतास्तनयप्रसक्ता:
कान्तोपसेवनपराश्च सरोरुहाक्ष्य: ।
सर्वं विसृज्य मुरलीरवमोहितास्ते
कान्तारदेशमयि कान्ततनो समेता: ॥३॥
ता गेहकृत्यनिरतास्तनयप्रसक्ता:
कान्तोपसेवनपराश्च सरोरुहाक्ष्य: ।
सर्वं विसृज्य मुरलीरवमोहितास्ते
कान्तारदेशमयि कान्ततनो समेता: ॥३॥
taa geha kR^itya nirataastanaya prasaktaaH
kaantOpasevana paraashcha sarOruhaakshyaH |
sarvaM visR^ijya muraliirava mOhitaaste
kaantaaradeshamayi kaantatanO sametaaH || 3
Those pretty lasses though they were engaged in house hold chores,
Or were looking after children or were serving their husbands,
Oh pretty God , bewitched by the music emanating from your flute,
Left off all the jobs they were doing and reached the forest. 65.3
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 04
वेणुप्रणादमुपकर्ण्य कृतार्धभूषा: ।
त्वामागता ननु तथैव विभूषिताभ्य-
स्ता एव संरुरुचिरे तव लोचनाय ॥४॥
वेणुप्रणादमुपकर्ण्य कृतार्धभूषा: ।
त्वामागता ननु तथैव विभूषिताभ्य-
स्ता एव संरुरुचिरे तव लोचनाय ॥४॥
kaashchinnijaanga paribhuuShaNa maadadhaanaa
veNupraNaadamupakarNya kR^itaardhabhuuShaaH |
tvaamaagataa nanu tathaiva vibhuuShitaabhyaH
taa eva sanruruchire tava lOchanaaya ||4
Hearing the high note that ensued from your flute,
They came running carrying ornaments meant for different limbs.
But wearing only few of them and came running towards you,
But to your eyes they were more prettier than well made up lasses. 65.4
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 05
हारं नितम्बभुवि काचन धारयन्ती
काञ्चीं च कण्ठभुवि देव समागता त्वाम् ।
हारित्वमात्मजघनस्य मुकुन्द तुभ्यं
व्यक्तं बभाष इव मुग्धमुखी विशेषात् ॥५॥
हारं नितम्बभुवि काचन धारयन्ती
काञ्चीं च कण्ठभुवि देव समागता त्वाम् ।
हारित्वमात्मजघनस्य मुकुन्द तुभ्यं
व्यक्तं बभाष इव मुग्धमुखी विशेषात् ॥५॥
haaraM nitambabhuvi kaachana dhaarayantii
kaa~nchii~ncha kaNThabhuvi deva samaagataa tvaam |
haaritvamaatma jaghanasya mukunda tubhyaM
vyaktaM babhaaSha iva mugdhamukhii visheShaat || 5
Oh God one Gopi wore her necklace on her hip,
And her hip belt on her neck and came towards you,
And it appeared as if she was telling you that,
Her hips were much more attractive than her neck. 65.5
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 06
काचित् कुचे पुनरसज्जितकञ्चुलीका
व्यामोहत: परवधूभिरलक्ष्यमाणा ।
त्वामाययौ निरुपमप्रणयातिभार-
राज्याभिषेकविधये कलशीधरेव ॥६॥
काचित् कुचे पुनरसज्जितकञ्चुलीका
व्यामोहत: परवधूभिरलक्ष्यमाणा ।
त्वामाययौ निरुपमप्रणयातिभार-
राज्याभिषेकविधये कलशीधरेव ॥६॥
kaachitkuche punarasajjita ka~nchuliikaa
vyaamOhataH paravadhuubhiralakshyamaaNaa |
tvaamaayayau nirupama praNayaatibhaara
raajyaabhiSheka vidhaye kalashiidhareva || 6
Another in her great hurry and excitement,
Rushed forgetting to wear any cloths on her bosom.
Which was noticed by other women there,
And it appeared as if she was coming to anoint you,
As the king of her unmatched kingdom of great love,
Along with two big pots of water. 65.6
Another in her great hurry and excitement,
Rushed forgetting to wear any cloths on her bosom.
Which was noticed by other women there,
And it appeared as if she was coming to anoint you,
As the king of her unmatched kingdom of great love,
Along with two big pots of water. 65.6
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 07
काश्चित् गृहात् किल निरेतुमपारयन्त्य-
स्त्वामेव देव हृदये सुदृढं विभाव्य ।
देहं विधूय परचित्सुखरूपमेकं
त्वामाविशन् परमिमा ननु धन्यधन्या: ॥७॥
काश्चित् गृहात् किल निरेतुमपारयन्त्य-
स्त्वामेव देव हृदये सुदृढं विभाव्य ।
देहं विधूय परचित्सुखरूपमेकं
त्वामाविशन् परमिमा ननु धन्यधन्या: ॥७॥
kaashchid gR^ihaat kila niretumapaarayantyaH
tvaameva deva hR^idaye sudR^iDhaM vibhaavya |
dehaM vidhuuya parachitsukharuupamekaM
tvaamaavishan paramimaa nanu dhanyadhanyaaH || 7
Oh Lord , some others when they were not able to come out of their home,
Meditated on you with great concentration and kept you in their minds,
And left this physical body and reached you who was second to none,
As the personification of divine joy and attained salvation,
And to me it appears as if they are indeed greatly blessed. 65.7
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 08
जारात्मना न परमात्मतया स्मरन्त्यो
नार्यो गता: परमहंसगतिं क्षणेन ।
तं त्वां प्रकाशपरमात्मतनुं कथञ्चि-
च्चित्ते वहन्नमृतमश्रममश्नुवीय ॥८॥
जारात्मना न परमात्मतया स्मरन्त्यो
नार्यो गता: परमहंसगतिं क्षणेन ।
तं त्वां प्रकाशपरमात्मतनुं कथञ्चि-
च्चित्ते वहन्नमृतमश्रममश्नुवीय ॥८॥
jaaraatmanaa na paramaatmatayaa smarantyO
naaryO gataaH paramahamsagatiM kshaNena |
taM tvaaM prakaasha paramaatmatanuM katha~nchit
chitte vahannamR^ita-mashrama mashnuviiya ||8
Those ordinary ladies did not see you as God but as their lover,
And attained the state which cannot be easily got by even great sages,
And please make me wear you in the form of divine joy , somehow,
And without any effort whatsoever and realize salvation. 65.8
Dasakam: 065 -- Slokam: 09
अभ्यागताभिरभितो व्रजसुन्दरीभि-
र्मुग्धस्मितार्द्रवदन: करुणावलोकी ।
विश्वैकहृद्य हर मे पवनेश रोगान् ॥९॥
अभ्यागताभिरभितो व्रजसुन्दरीभि-
र्मुग्धस्मितार्द्रवदन: करुणावलोकी ।
विश्वैकहृद्य हर मे पवनेश रोगान् ॥९॥
abhyaagataabhirabhitO vrajasundariibhiH
mugdhasmitaardra vadanaH karuNaavalOkii |
nissiima kaanti jaladhistvamavekshyamaaNO
vishvaikahR^idya hara me paramesha rOgaan ||9
Those bevy of beauties from Gokula who stood on both sides,
Saw you as one whose face is well lit with a sweet smile,
As some one who has unmatched brilliance,
And as one who showers mercy by a mere sight,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who is saluted by the universe,
Please be kind enough to cure all diseases of mine. 65.9
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