Monday, September 10, 2018

Dasakam 58 Saving of Gopas and Gokula from forest fire and seasons in Brindavan

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 58 –

Dasakam 58 Saving of Gopas and Gokula from forest fire and seasons in Brindavan

(Again Lord Krishna saves them from another forest fire which surrounded all of you by simply transporting all of you back to Vrindavana in an instant. This chapter also contains the description of Vrindavana during different seasons.)

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 01

त्वयि विहरणलोले बालजालै: प्रलम्ब-
प्रमथनसविलम्बे धेनव: स्वैरचारा:
तृणकुतुकनिविष्टा दूरदूरं चरन्त्य:
किमपि विपिनमैषीकाख्यमीषांबभूवु: ॥१॥

tvayi viharaNalOle baala jaalaiH pralamba
pramathanasavilambe dhenavaH svairachaaraaH |
tR^iNa kutuka niviShTaa duura duuraM charantyaH
kimapi vipinamaiShiikaakhyamiiShaaM babhuuvuH || 1

When you were immersed in the joy of playing with Gopa boys,
And spent some time to kill Pralambhasura,
The calves without any one to mind them,
Went on grazing and reached a forest called Ishika. 58.1

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 02

बहिरिदमुपयाता: काननं धेनवस्ता:
तव विरहविषण्णा ऊष्मलग्रीष्मताप-
प्रसरविसरदम्भस्याकुला: स्तम्भमापु: ॥२॥

anadhigata nidaagha kraurya bR^indaavanaantaat
bahiridamupayaataaH kaananaM dhenavastaaH |
tava viraha viShaNNaa uuShmalagriiShmataapa
prasaravisaradambhasyaakulaa stambhamaapuH || 2

The cows who lived in Brindavana , where the heat of summer is not felt,
Reached the forest of Ishika which is outside Brindavan’s boundary,
And due to the parting with you as well as due to torrid heat of summer,
Were parched by the heat and became tired due to thirst. 58.2

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 03

तदनु सह सहायैर्दूरमन्विष्य शौरे
पशुकुलमभिवीक्ष्य क्षिप्रमानेतुमारा-
त्त्वयि गतवति ही ही सर्वतोऽग्निर्जजृम्भे ॥३॥

tadanu saha sahaayairduuramanviShya shaure
galita saraNi mu~njaaraNya sa~njaata khedam |
pashukulamabhiviikshya kshipramaanetu maaraat
tvayi gatavati hii hii sarvatO(a)gnirjajR^imbhe || 3

Hey God you along with your helpers searched far and wide,
And at last found the cows which lost their way and were suffering,
And when you instructed your friends to drive them back instantly,
And went near the cows, alas a huge forest fire surrounded all of you. 58.3

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 04

सकलहरिति दीप्ते घोरभाङ्कारभीमे
शिखिनि विहतमार्गा अर्धदग्धा इवार्ता:
अहह भुवनबन्धो पाहि पाहीति सर्वे
शरणमुपगतास्त्वां तापहर्तारमेकम् ॥४॥

sakalahariti diipte ghOrabhaankaarabhiime
shikhini vihatamaargaa ardhadagdhaa ivaartaaH |
ahaha bhuvanabandhO paahi paahiiti sarve
sharaNamupagataastvaaM taapahartaaramekam ||4

When the forest fire raged furiously breaking the timber,
With terrible sound and spread very speedily all around,
Oh God you all became like half baked and fell in agony,
And all the people and animals rushed near you shouting,
“Oh God, Oh God please save us from this dangerous fire”. 58.4

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 05

अलमलमतिभीत्या सर्वतो मीलयध्वं
दृशमिति तव वाचा मीलिताक्षेषु तेषु
क्व नु दवदहनोऽसौ कुत्र मुञ्जाटवी सा
सपदि ववृतिरे ते हन्त भाण्डीरदेशे ॥५॥

alamalamatibhiityaa sarvatO miilayadhvaM
dR^ishamiti tava vaachaa miilitaaksheShu teShu |
kvanu davadahanO(a)sau kutra mu~njaaTavii saa
sapadi vavR^itire te hanta bhaaNDiiradeshe || 5

You told them , “Do not be scared so much and close your eyes”,
And when they obeying your words, closed your eyes, wonder of wonders,
In an instant they felt that the fire has gone and the forest has gone,
And they found themselves places in the Bhandeera forest. 58.5

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 06

जय जय तव माया केयमीशेति तेषां
नुतिभिरुदितहासो बद्धनानाविलास:
पुनरपि विपिनान्ते प्राचर: पाटलादि-
प्रसवनिकरमात्रग्राह्यघर्मानुभावे ॥६॥

jaya jaya tava maayaa keyamiisheti teShaaM
nutibhirudita haasO baddhanaanaa vilaasaH |
punarapi vipinaante praacharaH paaTalaadi
prasava nikara maatra graahyagharmaanubhaave || 6

Laughing and entertaining them , when they told,
“Oh Victory, victory to you , your Maya is indeed great,”,
You roamed about in the forest where the Summer,
Can be recognized only by the blossoming of Patala trees,
And looking after and helping to graze all the cows. 58.6 

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 07

त्वयि विमुखमिवोच्चैस्तापभारं वहन्तं
तव भजनवदन्त: पङ्कमुच्छोषयन्तम्
तव भुजवदुदञ्चद्भूरितेज:प्रवाहं
तपसमयमनैषीर्यामुनेषु स्थलेषु ॥७॥

tvayi vimukhamivOchchaiH taapa bhaaraM vahantaM
tava bhajanavadantaH pankamuchChOShayantam |
tava bhujavaduda~nchad bhuuritejaH pravaahaM
tapasamayamanaiShiiryaamuneShu sthaleShu || 7

You spent the entire summer in the banks of Yamuna,
With the intensity of heat that is similar to the pain of those who hate you,
Which dries up all the sins within you similar to its drying all trees,
And which is similar to the luster of heat generated by your hand. 58.7

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 08

तदनु जलदजालैस्त्वद्वपुस्तुल्यभाभि-
सकलभुवनभाजां हर्षदां वर्षवेलां
क्षितिधरकुहरेषु स्वैरवासी व्यनैषी: ॥८॥

tadanu jalada jaalaiH tvadvapustulya bhaabhiH
vikasadamala vidyut piitavaasO vilaasaiH |
sakalabhuvana bhaajaaM harShadaaM varShavelaaM
kshitidhara kuhareShu svairavaasii vyanaiShiiH || 8

The rainy season with its cluster of clouds ,
Which is similar to the dazzle of your body,
And with its continuous streak of lightning,
Which reminded one of the yellow silk that you wear,
Started playing effortlessly in the caves of the mountain. 58.8

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 09

कुहरतलनिविष्टं त्वां गरिष्ठं गिरीन्द्र:
शिखिकुलनवकेकाकाकुभि: स्तोत्रकारी
प्रविदधदनुभेजे देव गोवर्धनोऽसौ ॥९॥

kuharatala niviShTaM tvaaM gariShThaM giriindraH
shikhikula nava kekaa kaakubhiH stOtrakaarii |
sphuTakuTaja kadambastOma puShpaa~njaliM cha
pravidadhadanubheje deva gOvardhanO(a)sau || 9

That Govardhana mountain worshipped you living in the caves,
By praying with pretty sounds of very happy and joyous peacock,
And offering you with flowers falling from the Kutaja and Kadamba trees. 58.9

Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 10
अथ शरदमुपेतां तां भवद्भक्तचेतो-
विमलसलिलपूरां मानयन् काननेषु
तृणममलवनान्ते चारु सञ्चारयन् गा:
पवनपुरपते त्वं देहि मे देहसौख्यम् ॥१०॥

atha sharadamupetaaM taaM bhavadbhakta chetO
vimala salila puuraaM maanayan kaananeShu |
tR^iNamamala vanaante chaaru sa~nchaarayan gaaH
pavanapurapate tvaM dehi me dehasaukhyam ||10

Then you enjoyed the autumn which followed the rainy season,
Which had copious water clear like the minds of your devotees,
By grazing your cows in the fertile grass lands,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please give me good health. 58.10

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