Dasakam: 89
Hear this Dasakam 89
Dasakam 89 The story of Vrukasura and testing of Bhrugu.
(Vrukasura also called Basmasura did penance to Lord shiva who can be easily and got a born being able to kill any body by placing their hand on their head. He wanted to test the efficacy of the boon on Lord Shiva himself, Lord Vishnu saved him by making the asura keep his hand on his head himself. This proves that though Lord Vishnu is difficult to please , his devotees are good people.
Some sages doing penance in the banks of river Saraswathi sent sage Bhrugu to test as to who is superior among Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. When he went and abused Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma both of them got angry .Lord Vishnu , not only did not get angry but treated the sage with hospitality.)
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam: 1
जाने यदिह तव
भक्तेषु विभवो
सद्यस्सम्पद्यस्तदिह मदकृत्त्वादशमिनाम् ।
कृत्वैव प्रदिशसि तत: काममखिलंप्र
क्षिप्रं न खलु
भवदीये च्युतिकथा ॥१॥
ramaajaane jaane yadiha tava bhakteShu vibhavO
na sadyaH sampadyastadiha madakR^ittvaadashaminaam |
prashaantiM kR^itvaiva pradishasi tataH kaamamakhilaM
prashaanteShu kshipraM na khalu bhavadiiyechyuti kathaa
|| 1
I understand , Oh consort of Lakshmi that prosperity does not ,
Increase suddenly to your devotees because it also increases their pride,
And because of this you bless them with prosperity and wealth,
Only after they have attained the state of perfect mental tranquility,
But in case one has it already , there is no delay in granting him wealth. 89.1
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:2
सद्य: प्रसादरुषितान् विधिशङ्करादीन्
केचिद्विभो निजगुणानुगुणं भजन्त: ।
केचिद्विभो निजगुणानुगुणं भजन्त: ।
भवन्ति बत कष्टमदीर्घदृष्ट्या
वृकासुर उदाहरणं किलास्मिन् ॥२॥
sadyaH prasaadaruShitaan vidhishankaraadiin
kechidvibhO nijaguNaanuguNaM bhajantaH |
bhraShTaa bhavanti bata kaShTamadiirghadR^iShTyaa
spaShTaM vR^ikaasura udaaharaNaM kilaasmin || 2
Oh Lord , some devotees depending on their natural inclinations,
Worship Shiva, Brahma etc who are easy to please and easily get angry,
Alas, such people due to their lack of foresight come to grief,
And the perfect example for this is the story of Vrikasura. 89.2
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:3
स तु नारदमेकदा
स च दिदेश
न तु भवन्तमबन्धुमसाधुषु
shakunijaH sa tu naaradamekadaa
tvarita tOShamapR^ichChadadhiishvaram |
sa cha didesha giriishamupaasituM
na tu bhavantamabandhumasaadhuShu || 3
Once Vrikasura , the son of Shakuni approached sage Narada ,
And asked him about the God who would be easily and speedily pleased,
And he counseled him to meditate on Lord Shiva and did not suggest you,
Because you are not favourably inclined towards bad people. 89.3
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:4
घोरं स खलु
कुपित: सप्तमदिने
शिर: छित्वा सद्य: पुरहरमुपस्थाप्य
पुरत: ।
रौद्रं शिरसि करदानेन निधनं
भवति विमुखानां क्व
शुभधी: ॥४॥
tapastaptvaa ghOraM sa khalu kupitaH saptamadine
shirashChitvaa sadyaH puraharamupasthaapya purataH |
atikshudraM raudraM shirasi karadaanena nidhanaM
jagannaathaadvavre bhavati vimukhaanaaM kva shubhadhiiH
By doing very great penance That Vrikasura became very impatient,
And on the seventh day , he started to cut off his own head,
To offer in fire and Lord Shiva , the destroyer of three cities came before him,
And the asura requested for a base and very horrible boon , of his becoming,
Able to make any one in die just by placing his hand on the head of the person,
Indicating the fact that people who are not your devotees will not have good sense. 89.4
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:5
बन्धमुक्तो हरिणपतिरिव प्राद्रवत्सोऽथ रुद्रं
भीत्या स्म देवो
दिशि दिशि वलते
पृष्ठतो दत्तदृष्टि: ।
सर्वलोके तव पदमधिरोक्ष्यन्तमुद्वीक्ष्य
पटुवटुवपुषा तस्थिषे दानवाय ॥५॥
mOktaaraM bandhamuktO hariNapatiriva praadravat
daityaadbhiityaa smadevO dishi dishi valate pR^iShThatO
dattadR^iShTiH |
tuuShNiike sarvalOke tava padamadhirOkshyantamudviikshya
duuraadevaagratastvaM paTuvaTu vapuShaa tasthiShe
daanavaaya || 5
As soon as the boon was granted , he jumped and went near Lord shiva himself,
Similar to a freed lion jumping at the person who helped to free him,
And Lord Shiva became very scared of the asura and started running,
To various different places and since no body was able to help him,
Came to your place and you seeing Lord Shiva from a distance,
Took the form of A Brahmachari and approached the Asura,
Even before he could approach the very gates of Vaikunta. 89.5
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:6
भद्रं ते शाकुनेय
भ्रमसि किमधुना त्वं पिशाचस्य
तव किमु न
करोष्यङ्गुलीमङ्गमौलौ ।
इत्थं त्वद्वाक्यमूढ: शिरसि कृतकर: सोऽपतच्छिन्नपातं
भ्रंशो ह्येवं परोपासितुरपि च
गति: शूलिनोऽपि त्वमेव
bhadraM te shaakuneya bhramasi kimadhunaa tvaM
pishaachasya vaachaa
sandehashchenmaduktau tava kimu na
karOShyanguliimangamaulau |
itthaM tvadvaakya muuDhaH shirasi kR^itakaraH
sO(a)patachChinna paataM
bhramshO hyevaM parOpaasiturapi cha gatiH shuulinO(a)pi
tvameva || 6
When you told him, “Oh Son of Shakuni , victory to you,
Why are you running hither and thither hearing the words of a ghost?
Suppose you do not have any belief in me , can you not place your hand on your head,”
And that foolish Asura who believed all that you told him,
Kept his own hand on his own head and fell dead like a log,
And like this destruction is definite to those who pray to other Gods,
And not only that even for Shiva you are the only support. 89.6
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:7
भृगुं किल सरस्वतीनिकटवासिनस्तापसा-
समादिशन्नधिकसत्त्वतां वेदितुम् ।
अयं पुनरनादरादुदितरुद्धरोषे विधौ
हरेऽपि च जिहिंसिषौ
गिरिजया धृते त्वामगात्
bhR^iguM kila sarasvatiinikaTa vaasinastaapasaaH
trimuurtiShu samaadishannadhikasattvataaM veditum |
ayaM punaranaadaraaduditaruddharOShe vidhau
hare(a)pi cha jihimsiShau girijayaa dhR^ite tvaamagaat ||
Some saints who were doing penance in the banks of river Saraswathi,
Wanting to know who has maximum sathva qualities among the trinity ,
Deputed, sage Brugu to find it out and when he approached Brahma,
And showed disrespect to him, he got extremely angry but controlled his temper,
But in case of Lord Shiva , he was so irked that he rushed to kill the saint,
But was prevented by Goddess Parvathi from doing it and then he came to you. 89.7
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:8
रमाङ्कभुवि पङ्कजलोचनं त्वां
विप्रे विनिघ्नति पदेन मुदोत्थितस्त्वम्
सर्वं क्षमस्व मुनिवर्य भवेत्
सदा मे
भूषणमित्यवादी: ॥८॥
suptaM ramaankabhuvi pankajalOchanaM tvaaM
vipre vinighnati padena mudOtthitastvam |
sarvaM kshamasva munivarya bhavetsadaa me
tvatpaadachihnamiha bhuuShaNamityavaadiiH || 8
That Brahmin kicked you , who was lotus eyed and was lying with your head,
On the lap of Goddess Lakshmi but without showing any displeasure ,
You suddenly got up , and told him, “ Oh sage ,please pardon me ,
Let your foot print become a permanent decoration on my body.” 89.8
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:9
ते च सुदृढं
त्वयि बद्धभावा: सारस्वता
मुनिवरा दधिरे विमोक्षम् । त्वामेवमच्युत पुनश्च्युतिदोषहीनं सत्त्वोच्चयैकतनुमेव वयं भजाम:
nishchitya te cha sudR^iDhaM tvayi baddhabhaavaaH
saarasvataa munivaraa dadhire vimOksham |
tvaamevamachyuta punashchyuti dOShahiinaM
satvOchchayaika tanumeva vayaM bhajaamaH || 9
Those sages on the bank of river Saraswathi having understood,
That you possessed Sathvic qualities to the highest degree possible,
Kept the greatest devotion on you and over time attained salvation,
Oh Achyutha who is the personification of sole Sathva guna aspect,
Without any further delay, we will worship you only. 89.9
Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:10
त्वां निगमनिवहैर्वन्दिभिरिव
स्तुतं विष्णो सच्चित्परमरसनिर्द्वैतवपुषम् ।
भूमन् पशुपवनिताभाग्यनिवहं
पवनपुरवासिन् परिभजे ॥१०॥
jagatsR^iShTyaadau tvaaM nigamanivahairvandibhiriva
stutaM viShNO sachchitparamarasa nirdvaitavapuSham |
paraatmaanaM bhuuman pashupa vanitaa bhaagya nivahaM
pariitaapashraantyai pavanapuravaasin paribhaje ||10
Oh Lord of Guruvayur who was praised like the minstrels,
By the Vedas at the time of formation of this universe,
Who is the form of pure divine and endless joy,
Who is the form of the divine Brahmam ,
Who is the sum total of the luck of Gopis,
Oh Lord Vishnu, Oh God who is in everything,
I pray you so that all my sorrows come to an end. 89.10
Oh Lord of Guruvayur who was praised like the minstrels,
By the Vedas at the time of formation of this universe,
Who is the form of pure divine and endless joy,
Who is the form of the divine Brahmam ,
Who is the sum total of the luck of Gopis,
Oh Lord Vishnu, Oh God who is in everything,
I pray you so that all my sorrows come to an end. 89.10
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