Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Dasakam 87 The story of Kuchela

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 87

Hear this Dasakam 87 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwQTQKlb7f8

Dasakam 87 The story of Kuchela

(Kuchela who was a poor Brahmin class mate of Lord Krishna came to see him with a small quantity of beaten rice tied to his torn cloth. After receiving him well. Lord Krishna ate , one hand full of that beaten rice and was prevented from eating further by Rukhmani. Without asking anything when Kuchela went back home, he saw that Lord Krishna gave him immense wealth and prosperity.)

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 01  
कुचेलनामा भवत: सतीर्थ्यतां गत: सान्दीपनिमन्दिरे द्विज:
त्वदेकरागेण धनादिनिस्स्पृहो दिनानि निन्ये प्रशमी गृहाश्रमी ॥१॥

kuchela naamaa bhavataH satiirthyataaM
gataH sa saandiipani mandire dvijaH |
tvadeka raageNa dhanaadi niHspR^ihO
dinaani ninye prashamii gR^ihaashramii || 1

Kuchela a Brahmin householder who was studying along with you,
In the hermitage of Sandheepini, due to his very great devotion to you,
Led a life of extreme peace free from all worldly desires . 87.1

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 02 
समानशीलाऽपि तदीयवल्लभा तथैव नो चित्तजयं समेयुषी
कदाचिदूचे बत वृत्तिलब्धये रमापति: किं सखा निषेव्यते ॥२॥

samaana shiilaapi tadiiya vallabhaa
tathaiva nO chittajayaM sameyuShii |
kadaachiduuche bata vR^ittilabdhaye
ramaapatiH kiM na sakhaa niShevyate || 2

His wife though she was as peaceful as Kuchela,
Had not won the war with the mind like him,
And asked him one day, “Why are you not ,
Paying a visit to your friend and consort of Lakshmi ,
And request him for some means to make our ends meet. 87.2 

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 03 
 इतीरितोऽयं प्रियया क्षुधार्तया जुगुप्समानोऽपि धने मदावहे
तदा त्वदालोकनकौतुकाद्ययौ वहन् पटान्ते पृथुकानुपायनम् ॥३॥

itiiritO(a)yaM priyayaa kshudhaa(a)(a)rtayaa
jugupsamaanO(a)pi dhane madaavahe |
tadaa tvadaalOkana kautukaadyayau
vahan paTaante pR^ithukaanupaayanam || 3

When his wife who was suffering from hunger told like this,
Kuchela though he had hatred towards money that created pride,
Due to the desire to see you started his journey to see you, carrying,
A small quantity of beaten rice tied at the end off his cloth as offering to you. 87.3

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 04
गतोऽयमाश्चर्यमयीं भवत्पुरीं गृहेषु शैब्याभवनं समेयिवान्
प्रविश्य वैकुण्ठमिवाप निर्वृतिं तवातिसम्भावनया तु किं पुन: ॥४॥

gatO(a)yamaashcharyamayiiM bhavatpuriiM
gR^iheShu shaibyaabhavanaM sameyivaan |
pravishya vaikuNThamivaapa nirvR^itiM
tavaati sambhaavanayaa tu kiM punaH ||4

Reaching your town of Dwaraka full of wonderful sights,
That Kuchela entered the house of Mithravinda,
Among the houses of your sixteen thousand eight consorts,
And felt as if he has entered Vaikunta and was charmed,
By the great hospitality shown by you towards him. 87.4

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 05
प्रपूजितं तं प्रियया वीजितं करे गृहीत्वाऽकथय: पुराकृतम्
 यदिन्धनार्थं गुरुदारचोदितैरपर्तुवर्ष तदमर्षि कानने ॥५॥

prapuujitaM taM priyayaa cha viijitaM
kare gR^ihiitvaa(a)kathayaH puraakR^itam |
yadindhanaarthaM gurudaarachOditaiH
apartu varShaM tadamarShi kaanane || 5

After doing all necessary treatments of hospitality ,
Including his being fanned by your consort Mithravinda,
You held the hands of Kuchela and reminded him ,
Of the great wetting that both of you had from a torrential rain,
When you both went to collect firewood as per wishes of your teacher’s wife. 87.5

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 06
त्रपाजुषोऽस्मात् पृथुकं बलादथ प्रगृह्य मुष्टौ सकृदाशिते त्वया
 कृतं कृतं नन्वियतेति संभ्रमाद्रमा किलोपेत्य करं रुरोध ते ॥६॥

trapaajuShO(a)smaatpR^ithukaM balaadatha
pragR^ihya muShTau sakR^idaashite tvayaa |
kR^itaM kR^itaM nanviyateti sambhramaad
ramaa kilOpetya karaM rurOdha te || 6

Due to shyness when Kuchela hesitated to give the offering,
brought by him , you forcibly snatched it from his hand,
And by the time you took one hand full of that offering,
The very nervous Rukhmani who was goddess Lakshmi , rushed to that place ,
And stopped your hand saying, “Is this not enough?”. 87.6

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 07
भक्तेषु भक्तेन मानितस्त्वया पुरीं वसन्नेकनिशां महासुखम्
बतापरेद्युर्द्रविणं विना ययौ विचित्ररूपस्तव खल्वनुग्रह: ॥७॥

bhakteShu bhaktena sa maanitastvayaa
puriiM vasannekanishaaM mahaasukham |
bataaparedyurdraviNaM vinaa yayau
vichitraruupastava khalvanugrahaH || 7

Seeing your devotion to his devotees , the well looked after,
Kuchela pleasantly spent one night in the city of Dwaraka,
And next day returned back home without taking any money,
For is not your blessing of very many kinds? 87.7

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 08
यदि ह्ययाचिष्यमदास्यदच्युतो वदामि भार्यां किमिति व्रजन्नसौ
त्वदुक्तिलीलास्मितमग्नधी: पुन: क्रमादपश्यन्मणिदीप्रमालयम् ॥८॥

yadihyayaachiShya madaasyadachyutO
vadaami bhaaryaaM kimiti vrajannasau |
tvadukti liilaasmita magnadhiiH punaH
kramaadapashyanmaNi diipramaalayam || 8

Thinking of telling his wife, “If I had asked , he sure would have given,”
And also getting worried as to what he will tell his wife,
And slowly getting his mind drowned in your bewitching smile and acts,
He saw before him a mansion made of jewels. 87.8 

  Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 09 
 किं मार्गविभ्रंश इति भ्रंमन् क्षणं गृहं प्रविष्ट: ददर्श वल्लभाम्
सखीपरीतां मणिहेमभूषितां बुबोध त्वत्करुणां महाद्भुताम् ॥९॥

kiM maarga vibhramsha iti bhraman kshaNaM
gR^ihaM praviShTaH sa dadarsha vallabhaam |
sakhii pariitaaM maNihema bhuuShitaaM
bubOdha cha tvatkaruNaaM mahaadbhutaam || 9

Wondering for some time as to whether he missed his way,
He entered home and that Kuchela saw his wife amidst her friends,
And wearing several types of ornaments and jewels.
And understood that your mercy is greatly wonderful, 87.9

Dasakam: 087 -- Slokam: 10 
  रत्नशालासु वसन्नपि स्वयं समुन्नमद्भक्तिभरोऽमृतं ययौ
 त्वमेवमापूरितभक्तवाञ्छितो मरुत्पुराधीश हरस्व मे गदान् ॥१०॥
sa ratnashaalaasu vasannapi svayaM
samunnamadbhakti bharO(a)mR^itaM yayau |
tvamevamaapuurita bhaktavaanChitO
marutpuraadhiisha harasva me gadaan ||10

Though that Kuchela started living in that gem studded house,
His devotion daily increased more and more and he attained salvation,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur who fulfills wishes of devotees thus,
Please be kind enough to cure all my diseases. 87.10

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