Friday, August 24, 2018

Dasakam 41 The cremation of Poothana and happiness in play of Krishna.

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 41 --

Dasakam 41 The cremation of Poothana and happiness in play of Krishna.

( The scariness created by Poothana’s death , her being given salvation by the God and childhood pranks of the baby Krishna are described here.)

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 01

व्रजेश्वरै: शौरिवचो निशम्य समाव्रजन्नध्वनि भीतचेता:
निष्पिष्टनिश्शेषतरुं निरीक्ष्य कञ्चित्पदार्थं शरणं गतस्वाम् ॥१॥

vrajeshvaraH shaurivachO nishamya samaavrajannadhvani bhiitachetaaH |
niShpiShTa nishsheShataruM niriikshya ka~nchitpadaarthaM sharaNaM
gatastvaam || 1

After having heard all that was told by Vasudeva,
While Nandagopa was returning internally scared,
Saw some thing that has uprooted several trees,
And sought your refuge and surrendered to you. 41.1

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 02
 निशम्य गोपीवचनादुदन्तं सर्वेऽपि गोपा भयविस्मयान्धा:
त्वत्पातितं घोरपिशाचदेहं देहुर्विदूरेऽथ कुठारकृत्तम् ॥२॥

nishamya gOpiivachanaadudantaM sarve(a)pi gOpaa bhayavismayaandhaaH |
tvatpaatitaM ghOrapishaacha dehaM dehurviduure(a)tha kuThaarakR^ittam || 2

All the Gopas after hearing the news from the Gopis,
Became scared , wonderstruck and became at a loss,
And chopped the huge fearsome body felled by you,
In to pieces and took them to distance and burnt it. 41.2

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 03

 त्वत्पीतपूतस्तनतच्छरीरात् समुच्चलन्नुच्चतरो हि धूम:
शङ्कामधादागरव: किमेष किं चान्दनो गौल्गुलवोऽथवेति ॥३॥

tvatpiita puutastana tachChariiraat samuchchalannuchchatarO hi dhuumaH |
shankaamadhaadaagaravaH kimeShaH kiM chaandanO gaulgulavO(a)thaveti || 3

The smoke arising from the body which was purified,
By your drinking milk from her breasts , rose to very great heights,
And created a doubt among every body , that the smoke,
Was a result of burning a sandal or Agaru or Guggulu trees. 41.3

 Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 04
मदङ्गसङ्गस्य फलं दूरे क्षणेन तावत् भवतामपि स्यात्
इत्युल्लपन् वल्लवतल्लजेभ्य: त्वं पूतनामातनुथा: सुगन्धिम् ॥४॥

madangasangasya phalaM na duure kshaNena taavad bhavataamapi syaat |
ityullapanvallavatallajebhya-stvaM puutanaamaatanuthaassugandhim || 4

You imparted fragrance to the body of Poothana,
And it looked like that you were loudly saying to the wise cowherds,
“ Are you able to see the effect of contact with my body,
And this is not far off for you as you all will get it soon.” 41.4

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 05

चित्रं पिशाच्या हत: कुमार: चित्रं पुरैवाकथि शौरिणेदम्
इति प्रशंसन् किल गोपलोको भवन्मुखालोकरसे न्यमाङ्क्षीत् ॥५॥

chitraM pishaachyaa na hataH kumaara-shchitraM puraivaakathi shauriNedam |
iti prashamsan kila gOpalOkO bhavanmukhaalOkarase nyamaankshiit || 5

The Gopas were drowned in joy by seeing your face ,
And were telling to each other, wonder of wonders,
This devil did not kill the baby and it is also a wonder,
That the foretelling of Vasudeva about the baby became true.” 41.5

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 06

दिनेदिनेऽथ प्रतिवृद्धलक्ष्मीरक्षीणमाङ्गल्यशतो व्रजोऽयम्
भवन्निवासादयि वासुदेव प्रमोदसान्द्र: परितो विरेजे ॥६॥

dine dine(a)tha prativR^iddhalakshmii-rakshiiNa maangalya shatO vrajOyam |
bhavannivaasaadayi vaasudeva pramOdasaandraH paritO vireje || 6

Oh son of Vasudeva , due to your living there,
The Vruja desa day by day became more and more prosperous,
And possessed many good things which will never get spoiled,
And provided full of boundless divine joy to the people. 41.6

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 07

गृहेषु ते कोमलरूपहासमिथ:कथासङ्कुलिता: कमन्य:
वृत्तेषु कृत्येषु भवन्निरीक्षासमागता: प्रत्यहमत्यनन्दन् ॥७॥

gR^iheShu te kOmalaruupahaasa-mithaH kathaa sankulitaaHkamanyaH
vR^itteShu kR^ityeShu bhavanniriikshaa samaagataaH pratyahamatyanandan || 7

The Gopis became very busy in talking with each other,
In their homes about your pretty form and bewitching smile,
And after completion of all their duties came to see you,
Every day and enjoyed by being able to see you. 41.7

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 08

अहो कुमारो मयि दत्तदृष्टि: स्मितं कृतं मां प्रति वत्सकेन
एह्येहि मामित्युपसार्य पाणी त्वयीश किं किं कृतं वधूभि: ॥८॥

ahO kumaarO mayi dattadR^iShTiH smitaM kR^itaM maaM prati vatsakena |
ehyehi maamittyupasaarya paaNii tvayiisha kiM kiM na kR^itaM vadhuubhiH || 8

Oh God, with stretched arms to lift you ,the Gopis prattled,
“oh little cherub are you not seeing me alone?”,
“hey all, do you not see that baby is smiling only at me?”, and
“Hey baby please come to me , please come only to me “. 41.8

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam: 09

भवद्वपु:स्पर्शनकौतुकेन करात्करं गोपवधूजनेन
नीतस्त्वमाताम्रसरोजमालाव्यालम्बिलोलम्बतुलामलासी: ॥९॥

bhavadvapusparshana kautukena karaatkaraM gOpavadhuujanena |
niitastvamaataamra sarOjamaalaa vyaalambilOlambatulaamalaasiiH || 9

You resembled a bee going from one red lotus to other,
When with an aim to caress your flower like body,
And to enjoy the pleasure of your soft touch,
The Gopis passed you between them endlessly. 41.9

Dasakam: 041 -- Shlokam:1 0

निपाययन्ती स्तनमङ्कगं त्वां विलोकयन्ती वदनं हसन्ती
दशां यशोदा कतमां भेजे तादृश: पाहि हरे गदान्माम् ॥१०॥

nipaayayantii stanamankagaM tvaaM vilOkayantii vadanaM hasantii |
dashaaM yashOdaa katamaaM na bheje sa taadR^ishaH paahi hare gadaanmaam ||10

When putting you in her lap and while feeding you,
Yasoda used to get immersed in the beauty of your smiling face,
And was transported to an immeasurable state of real joy,
And Oh God Hari you who are like that save me from this disease. 41.10

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