Monday, July 23, 2018

Narayaneeyam . Dasakam 9 text , mensing audio

Narayaneeyam  . Dasakam 9 text , mensing  audio 

 Dasakam 9 The penance of Brahma and creation of the world

(Lord Brahma searches for his origin , finds lord Vishnu and does penance to get the power of Creation and initiates the process of creation.)

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 01
Brahma searching on all four Directions:
स्थितस्स कमलोद्भवस्तव हि नाभिपङ्केरुहे

कुत: स्विदिदमम्बुधावुदितमित्यनालोकयन्

तदीक्षणकुतूहलात् प्रतिदिशं विवृत्तानन-

श्चतुर्वदनतामगाद्विकसदष्टदृष्ट्यम्बुजाम् ॥१॥ 
sthitassa kamalOdbhavastava hi naabhipankeruhe
kutaH svididamambudhaavuditamityanaalOkayan |
tadiikshaNa kutuuhalaat pratidishaM vivR^ittaananashchaturvadanataamagaad
vikasadaShTadR^iShTyambujaam || 1

That Brahma born out of the lotus, sitting on the lotus from your belly,
Not able to see the origin of the lotus flower he is sitting on,
Being very curious, turned to look in all directions possible,
Developed eight eyes similar to the fully opened lotus flowers. 9.1

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 02
महार्णवविघूर्णितं कमलमेव तत्केवलं
विलोक्य तदुपाश्रयं तव तनुं तु नालोकयन्

एष कमलोदरे महति निस्सहायो ह्यहं

कुत: स्विदिदम्बुजं समजनीति चिन्तामगात् ॥२॥
mahaarNavavighuurNitaM kamalameva tatkevalaM
vilOkya tadupaashrayaM tava tanuM tu naalOkayan |
ka eSha kamalOdare mahati nissahaayO hyahaM
kutaH svididamambujaM samajaniiti chintaamagaat || 2

He was able to see only that flower, which was waving in the great sea,
But was not able to see your body, on which it was established,
And started thinking “Who am I who am sitting in this broad lotus flower?,
And where from did this lotus flower originate?” 9.2

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 03
 अमुष्य हि सरोरुह: किमपि कारणं सम्भ्वे-

दिति स्म कृतनिश्चयस्स खलु नालरन्ध्राध्वना

स्वयोगबलविद्यया समवरूढवान् प्रौढधी -

स्त्वदीयमतिमोहनं तु कलेवरं दृष्टवान् ॥३॥
amuShya hi sarOruhaH kimapi kaaraNaM sambhaved
iti sma kR^itanishchayaH sa khalu naalarandhraadhvanaa |
svayOgabalavidyayaa samavaruuDhavaan prauDhadhiistvadiiyamatimOhanaM
na tu kalebaraM dR^iShTavaan || 3

Being very intelligent and curious, he knew that,
The lotus flower had a source of origin,
And by the power of his intelligence and penance,
He got down through the hole in the stalk of the flower,
But he was not able to find out your very pretty body? 9.3

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 04
तत: सकलनालिकाविवरमार्गगो मार्गयन्

प्रयस्य शतवत्सरं किमपि नैव संदृष्टवान्

निवृत्य कमलोदरे सुखनिषण्ण एकाग्रधी:

समाधिबलमादधे भवदनुग्रहैकाग्रही ॥४॥ 
tataH sakalanaalikaa vivaramaargagO maargayan
prayasya shatavatsaraM kimapi naiva sandR^iShTavaan |
nivR^itya kamalOdare sukhaniShaNNa ekaagradhiiH
samaadhi balamaadadhe bhavadanugrahaikaagrahii ||4

Then he traveled by all the holes in the flower and searched,
And in spite of spending very many years in this search,
He was not able to see anything and returned back to the flower,
And sitting and concentrating his mind, seeking only your blessings,
He entered in to a very firm Samadhi. 9.4

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 05
 Brahma had the vision ofthe Lord
शतेन परिवत्सरैर्दृढसमाधिबन्धोल्लसत्-

प्रबोधविशदीकृत: खलु पद्मिनीसम्भव:

अदृष्टचरमद्भुतं तव हि रूपमन्तर्दृशा

व्यचष्ट परितुष्टधीर्भुजगभोगभागाश्रयम् ॥५॥

shatena parivatsaraiH dR^iDha samaadhi bandhOllasatprabOdhavishadiikR^
itaH sa khalu padminii sambhavaH |
adR^iShTacharamadbhutaM tava hi ruupamantardR^ishaa
vyachaShTa parituShTadhiiH bhujagabhOga bhaagaashrayam || 5

That God born out of the lotus flower, being in Samadhi,
For one hundred divine years, got clear wisdom,
And got rid of all dirt and bias of his mind,
And with mind full of divine joy,
Found out your divine body which leaned,
On one part of Adhi Sesha and which was reason for his wonder. 9.5

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 06
Namudari Worship The divine Form which was shown to Lord Brahma

मणिस्फुरितमेखलं सुपरिवीतपीताम्बरम्  
कलायकुसुमप्रभं गलतलोल्लसत्कौस्तुभं

वपुस्तदयि भावये कमलजन्मे दर्शितम् ॥६॥
kiriiTa makuTOllasatkaTakahaarakeyuurayug
maNisphuritamekhalaM supariviita piitaambaram |
kalaaya kusumaprabhaM galatalOllasatkaustubhaM
vapustadayi bhaavaye kamalajanmane darshitam || 6

Let me meditate on that body, which was shown to the lotus born,
Which was shining with the crown and the head gear, bangles,
Bead chains, armlets, with the belt studded with several gems,
With the yellow silk worn by him in a pretty way,
With the shine of the blue lotus as well as the Kousthubha gem. 9.6 

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 07
Brahma  worshipping the Lord
 श्रुतिप्रकरदर्शितप्रचुरवैभव श्रीपते

हरे जय जय प्रभो पदमुपैषि दिष्ट्या दृशो:

कुरुष्व धियमाशु मे भुवननिर्मितौ कर्मठा-

मिति द्रुहिणवर्णितस्वगुणबंहिमा पाहि माम् ॥७॥
shrutiprakaradarshita prachuravaibhava shriipate
hare jaya jaya prabhO padamupaiShi diShTyaa dR^ishOH |
kuruShva dhiyamaashu me bhuvananirmitau karmaThaaM
iti druhiNavarNita svaguNabanhimaa paahi maam || 7

“Victory to lord Vishnu, who is the consort of Goddess Lakshmi,
And who has been clearly enunciated and described by the Vedas,
Oh Lord, by my luck, you have become visible to my eyes,
And please grant my mind the power to create the universe”
Said Lord Brahma and let that Lord protect me. 9.7

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 08 
The Supreme Lord blessed Brahma
लभस्व भुवनत्रयीरचनदक्षतामक्षतां
गृहाण मदनुग्रहं कुरु तपश्च भूयो विधे
भवत्वखिलसाधनी मयि भक्तिरत्युत्कटे-
त्युदीर्य गिरमादधा मुदितचेतसं वेधसम् ॥८॥

labhasva bhuvanatrayiirachanadakshataamakshataaM
gR^ihaaNa madanugrahaM kuru tapashcha bhuuyO vidhe |
bhavatvakhila saadhanii mayi cha bhaktiratyutkaTe
tyudiirya giramaadadhaa muditachetasaM vedhasam || 8

Then you blessed Lord Brahma by the following words,
“Oh Brahma, you would get the power for creation of the universe,
And please receive my blessings for that job to go without any problems.,
You should continue with your penance and also have,
Devotion to me, which will help you anything that you want.”
And these words made Lord Brahma happy and contended. 9.8 

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 09
शतं कृततपास्तत: खलु दिव्यसंवत्सरा-
नवाप्य तपोबलं मतिबलं पूर्वाधिकम्
उदीक्ष्य किल कम्पितं पयसि पङ्कजं वायुना
भवद्बलविजृम्भित: पवनपाथसी पीतवान् ॥९॥

shataM kR^ita tapaastataH sa khalu divya sanvatsaraan
avaapya cha tapObalaM matibalaM cha puurvaadhikam |
udiikshya kila kampitaM payasi pankajaM vaayunaa
bhavadbalavijR^imbhitaH pavanapaathasii piitavaan || 9

Then that Brahma did penance for hundred more divine years,
And got more power and strength and seeing,
That he lotus flower which was in the causal water was trembling due to the wind,
Became powerful and strong by your grace and blessings,
And drank all the water and inhaled all the wind. 9.9

Dasakam: 009 -- Shlokam: 10
God Brahma, created the three worlds
तवैव कृपया पुनस्सरसिजेन तेनैव :

प्रकल्प्य भुवनत्रयीं प्रववृते प्रजानिर्मितौ

तथाविधकृपाभरो गुरुमरुत्पुराधीश्वर

त्वमाशु परिपाहि मां गुरुदयोक्षितैरीक्षितै: ॥१०॥
tavaiva kR^ipayaa punassarasijena tenaiva saH
prakalpya bhuvanatrayiiM pravavR^ite prajaanirmitau |
tathaa vidha kR^ipaabharO gurumarutpuraadhiishvara
tvamaashu paripaahi maaM gurudayOkshitairiikshitaiH ||10

Then he due to your mercy and grace only , created the three worlds,
With the lotus as the base and engaged himself in creating of living beings,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, with your merciful and mercy drenched looks,
Be kind enough to protect me completely . 9.10

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