Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Narayaneeyam Dasakam : Dasakam 18

Narayaneeyam Dasakam :  Dasakam 18

 Dasakam 18 The story of Pruthu.

(The story of King Prathu who was the son of Vena who was a bad king. He is also considered as a minor incarnation of Lord Vishnu)

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 01

जातस्य ध्रुवकुल एव तुङ्गकीर्ते-
रङ्गस्य व्यजनि सुत: वेननामा
यद्दोषव्यथितमति: राजवर्य-
स्त्वत्पादे निहितमना वनं गतोऽभूत् ॥१॥

jaatasya dhruvakula eva tungakiirterangasya
vyajani sutaH sa venanaamaa |
taddOShavyathitamatiH sa raajavaryastvatpaade
nihitamanaa vanaM gatO(a)bhuut || 1

To the famous king of Anga, who was born in Dhruva’s dynasty,
A wicked son called Vena was born and that king disgusted,
By his wickedness, went to the forest after dedicating his mind in you. 18.1

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 02

पापोऽपि क्षितितलपालनाय वेन:
पौराद्यैरुपनिहित: कठोरवीर्य:
सर्वेभ्यो निजबलमेव सम्प्रशंसन्
भूचक्रे तव यजनान्ययं न्यरौत्सीत् ॥२॥

paapO(a)pi kshititalapaalanaaya venaH
pauraardyairupanihitaH kaThOraviiryaH |
sarvebhyO nijabalameva samprashamsan
bhuuchakre tava yajanaanyayaM nyarautsiit || 2

Since in spite of his wickedness, he was very strong,
The people of his country made him their king,
And this Vena praised by every one about his strength,
Put an end to all the sacrificial rites which are dear to you. 18.2

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 03

सम्प्राप्ते हितकथनाय तापसौघे
मत्तोऽन्यो भुवनपतिर्न कश्चनेति
त्वन्निन्दावचनपरो मुनीश्वरैस्तै:
शापाग्नौ शलभदशामनायि वेन: ॥३॥

sampraapte hitakathanaaya taapasaughe
mattO(a)nyO bhuvanapatirna kashchaneti |
tvannindaavachanaparO muniishvaraistaiH
shaapaagnau shalabhadashaamanaayi venaH || 3

When all the sages joined together and approached him,
To tell what is good for him, he told them that,
Except him there is no other lord in this world and,
Berated you with wile and hurting words,
And the great sages enraged by it ,
Cursed and killed him, like a moth in the fire. 18.3

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 04

तन्नाशात् खलजनभीरुकैर्मुनीन्द्रै-
स्तन्मात्रा चिरपरिरक्षिते तदङ्गे
त्यक्ताघे परिमथितादथोरुदण्डा-
द्दोर्दण्डे परिमथिते त्वमाविरासी: ॥४॥

tannaashaat khalajanabhiirukairmuniindraiHstanmaatraa
chiraparirakshite tadange |
tyaktaaghe parimathitaadathOrudaNDaaddOrdaNDe
parimathite tvamaaviraasiiH || 4

Being afraid of tyranny in the kingdom because of Strong Vena’s death,
The sages churned the pillar like thigh of the body of Vena kept by his mother,
And removed all the dark sins committed by him,
And later when they churned his ramrod arms, you arose from that. 18.4

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 05

विख्यात: पृथुरिति तापसोपदिष्टै:
सूताद्यै: परिणुतभाविभूरिवीर्य:
वेनार्त्या कबलितसम्पदं धरित्री-
माक्रान्तां निजधनुषा समामकार्षी: ॥५॥

vikhyaataH pR^ithuriti taapasOpadiShTaiH
suutaadyaiH pariNutabhaavibhuuriviiryaH |
venaartyaa kabalitasampadaM dharitriimaakraantaaM
nijadhanuShaa samaamakaarShiiH || 5

You were born as the very famous Pruthu,
And you were praised and sang about by soothsayers,
Who also told that in future you would become valorous,
And you as per the advice of the great sages,
Fought with the earth, who had swallowed all wealth during Vena’s time,
And recovered all of it, by leveling the earth by the tip of your bow. 18.5

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 06

भूयस्तां निजकुलमुख्यवत्सयुक्त्यै-
र्देवाद्यै: समुचितचारुभाजनेषु
अन्नादीन्यभिलषितानि यानि तानि
स्वच्छन्दं सुरभितनूमदूदुहस्त्वम् ॥६॥

bhuuyastaaM nijakulamukhyavatsayuktairdevaadyaiH
samuchitachaarubhaajaneShu |
annaadiinyabhilaShitaani yaani taani
svachChandaM surabhitanuumaduuduhastvam || 6

Then you arranged for the chief of different clans, to be made calves by devas,
And in the vessels that were suited to them, devas were allowed,
To milk the earth which was made in to a cow, whatever food that they needed. 18.6

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 07

आत्मानं यजति मखैस्त्वयि त्रिधाम-
न्नारब्धे शततमवाजिमेधयागे
स्पर्धालु: शतमख एत्य नीचवेषो
हृत्वाऽश्वं तव तनयात् पराजितोऽभूत् ॥७॥

aatmaanaM yajati makhaistvayi tridhaamannaarabdhe
shatatamavaajimedhayaage |
spardhaaluH shatamakha etya niichaveShO
hR^itvaa(a)shvaM tava tanayaat paraajitO(a)bhuut || 7

Oh God who is everywhere in the three worlds,
When you were worshipping your own self by fire sacrifices,
And when you started to perform the hundredth Aswamedha,
The jealous Indra with hundred eyes, assumed the form of a lowly barbarian,
And stole your horse and he became defeated by your own sons. 18.7

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 08

देवेन्द्रं मुहुरिति वाजिनं हरन्तं
वह्नौ तं मुनिवरमण्डले जुहूषौ
रुन्धाने कमलभवे क्रतो: समाप्तौ
साक्षात्त्वं मधुरिपुमैक्षथा: स्वयं स्वम् ॥८॥

devendraM muhuriti vaajinaM harantaM
vahnau taM munivaramaNDale juhuuShau |
rundhaane kamalabhave kratOH samaaptau
saakshaattvaM madhuripumaikshathaaH svayaM svam ||8

The sages decided to sacrifice this Indra who stole horses frequently,
And decided to sacrifice him in the fire and Brahma prevented them,
And when later when the fire sacrifice was over, you yourself,
Saw in yourself the all pervading form of Lord Vishnu. 18.8

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 09

तद्दत्तं वरमुपलभ्य भक्तिमेकां
गङ्गान्ते विहितपद: कदापि देव
सत्रस्थं मुनिनिवहं हितानि शंस-
न्नैक्षिष्ठा: सनकमुखान् मुनीन् पुरस्तात् ॥९॥

taddattaM varamupalabhya bhaktimekaaM
gangaante vihitapadaH kadaapi deva |
satrasthaM muninivahaM hitaani shamsannaikshiShThaaH
sanakamukhaan muniin purastaat || 9

Oh Lord, along with boon of stead fast devotion to him given by Vishnu,
When you were seated on the banks of Ganges,
And were engaged in giving counsel to the sages assembled for a sacrifice,
You saw in front of you the great sages called Sanaka and others. 18.9

Dasakam: 018 -- Shlokam: 10

विज्ञानं सनकमुखोदितं दधान:
स्वात्मानं स्वयमगमो वनान्तसेवी
तत्तादृक्पृथुवपुरीश सत्वरं मे
रोगौघं प्रशमय वातगेहवासिन् ॥१०॥

vij~naanaM sanakamukhOditaM dadhaanaH
svaatmaanaM svayamagamO vanaantasevii |
tattaadR^ikpR^ithuvapuriisha satvaraM me
rOgaughaM prashamaya vaatagehavaasin ||10

Following the advice of Sanaka and other sages,
You as Pruthu understood the divine knowledge,
And went to do penance and you became yourself.
Oh God who is the Lord of Guruvayur, you,
Who assumed the form of Pruthu,
May please remove all my diseases immediately. 18.10

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