Friday, August 31, 2018

Dasakam 48 Freeing Nala khoobara and Mani Greeva from their curse.

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 48 --

Hear this Dasakam 48

Dasakam 48 Freeing Nala khoobara and Mani Greeva from their curse.

(nala Khoobara and Mani Greeva were sons of Lord Kubhera who had become trees by the curse of Sage Narada. These trees were standing in the courtyard of Lord Krishna’s house. The child Krishna dragged the mortar in between those trees and broke both the trees, Nala Khoobara and Mani Greeva regained their original forms.)

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 01

मुदा सुरौघैस्त्वमुदारसम्मदै-
रुदीर्य दामोदर इत्यभिष्टुत:
मृदुदर: स्वैरमुलूखले लग-
न्नदूरतो द्वौ ककुभावुदैक्षथा: ॥१॥

mudaa suraughaistvamudaara sammadaiH udiirya daamOdara ityabhiShTutaH |
mR^iduudaraH svairamuluukhale lagannaduuratOdvau kakubhaavudaikshathaaH || 

You with a soft belly, who was praised by the extremely happy devas,
Who were surrounding you was called as “Dhamodhara” by them,
And you slowly caught the mortar and stood and saw to Marutha trees near by. 48.1

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 02
परो मणिग्रीव इति प्रथां गत:
चिरं किल त्वद्विमुखावखेलताम् ॥२॥

kubera suunurnalakuubaraabhidhaH parO maNigriiva iti prathaaM gataH |
maheshasevaadhigata shriyOnmadau chiraM kila tvadvimukhaavakhelataam || 2

Nalakoobhara was the son of Kubhera the god of wealth,
And so was Manigreeva who was very famous,
And both of them by penance to Lord Shiva prettiness and form,
Became very arrogant and lead a life without thinking about you. 48.2

 Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 03
सुरापगायां किल तौ मदोत्कटौ
विवाससौ केलिपरौ नारदो
भवत्पदैकप्रवणो निरैक्षत ॥३॥
suraapagaayaaM kila tau madOtkaTau suraapagaayad bahuyauvataa vR^itau |
vivaasasau keliparau sa naaradO bhavatpadaika pravaNO niraikshata || 3

Those Nala Khoobaras who were once surrounded by large number of ladies,
Who were dancing and singing under the total influence of alcohol,
And were taking bath in the nude in the holy river Ganges,
And were drowned in various types of romantic sports with those ladies
Were seen by sage Narada who was your great devotee,
And who was worshipped by the entire universe. 48.3

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 04

भिया प्रियालोकमुपात्तवाससं
पुरो निरीक्ष्यापि मदान्धचेतसौ
इमौ भवद्भक्त्युपशान्तिसिद्धये
मुनिर्जगौ शान्तिमृते कुत: सुखम् ॥४॥
bhiyaa priyaalOkamupaattavaasasaM purO niriikshyaapi madaandha chetasau |
imau bhavadbhaktyupashaanti siddhaye munirjagau shaantimR^ite kutaHsukham || 4

Even though the ladies on seeing the sage , gathered their cloths,
And dressed themselves and were being clearly seen by the Nalakhoobaras,
They blinded by zest and having lost their wisdom did not stop what they were doing,
And were told by the great sage as follows so that they would get devotion towards you,
And also would be able to keep away their minds from base acts. 48.4

 Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 05

युवामवाप्तौ ककुभात्मतां चिरं
हरिं निरीक्ष्याथ पदं स्वमाप्नुतम्
इतीरेतौ तौ भवदीक्षणस्पृहां
गतौ व्रजान्ते ककुभौ बभूवतु: ॥५॥

yuvaamavaaptau kakubhaatmataaM chiraM hariM niriikshyaatha padaMsvamaapnutam |
itiiritau tau bhavadiikshaNaspR^ihaaM gatau vrajaante kakubhaubabhuuvatuH || 5

“You both would live as Marutha trees for a very long time ,
And after seeing Lord Hari, you would go back to your places,”
And hearing this curse those Nalakhoobara and Manigreeva,
With anxiety to see you quickly , became Maruth trees in Vruja desa. 48.5

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 06
अतन्द्रमिन्द्रद्रुयुगं तथाविधं
समेयुषा मन्थरगामिना त्वया
चिराय जीर्णौ परिपातितौ तरू ॥६॥

atandramindradruyugaM tathaavidhaM sameyuShaa mantharagaaminaa tvayaa |
tiraayitOluukhalarOdhanirdhutau chiraaya jiirNau paripaatitau taruu ||6

You who were slow moving approached those trees,
Without any hesitation or fear , and entered in between those trees,
Which were very much worn out due to their age,
And pulling the entangled mortar made the trees fall. 48.6

  Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 07
अभाजि शाखिद्वितयं यदा त्वया
तदैव तद्गर्भतलान्निरेयुषा
महात्विषा यक्षयुगेन तत्क्षणा-
दभाजि गोविन्द भवानपि स्तवै: ॥७॥

abhaaji shaakhidvitayaM yadaa tvayaa tadaiva tadgarbhatalaannireyuShaa |
mahaatviShaa yakshayugena tatkshaNaadabhaaji gOvinda bhavaanapi stavaiH || 7

Oh Govinda, as soon as you broke those two trees,
Two very radiant yakshas came out of those trees,
And immediately started singing your praises. 48.7

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 08
इहान्यभक्तोऽपि समेष्यति क्रमात्
भवन्तमेतौ खलु रुद्रसेवकौ
गतौ वृणानौ खलु भक्तिमुत्तमाम् ॥८॥

ihaanya bhaktO(a)pi sameShyati kramaad bhavantametau khalu rudrasevakau |
muni prasaadaad bhavadanghri maagatau gatau vR^iNaanau khalubhaktimuttamaam

Definitely devotees of other Gods would gradually,
Reach and worship you, and these devotees of Shiva,
Have reached your feet due to the blessing of Narada,
And prayed for great devotion to you and went back. 48.8

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam: 09ततस्तरूद्दारणदारुणारव-
प्रकम्पिसम्पातिनि गोपमण्डले
व्यमोक्षि नन्देन भवान् विमोक्षद: ॥९॥

tatastaruuddaaraNa daaruNaarava prakampi sampaatini gOpamaNDale |
vilajjita tvajjananii mukhekshiNaavyamOkshi nandena bhavaan vimOkshadaH || 9

Hearing the horrible sound of the trees falling ,
The Gopas were scared and came running to the spot,
And you were freed from your bondage By Nanda,
Who was staring at the very much ashamed and bent face of Yasoda. 48.9

Dasakam: 048 -- Shlokam:10
महीरुहोर्मध्यगतो बतार्भको
हरे: प्रभावादपरिक्षतोऽधुना
इति ब्रुवाणैर्गमितो गृहं भवान्
मरुत्पुराधीश्वर पाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥

mahiiruhOrmadhyagatO bataarbhakO hareH prabhaavaadaparikshatO(a)dhunaa |
iti bruvaaNairgamitO gR^ihaM bhavaan marutpuraadhiishvara paahi maamgadaat || 10

The Gopas saying that “ This baby who was caught in between the trees,
Was only saved by the power of Lord Vishnu, without any problems,”
And took you to your home and Oh Lord of Guruvayur,
You may kindly save me from this diseases. 48.10

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Dasakam 47 Getting tied to the mortar.

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 47 --

  Dasakam 47 Getting tied to the mortar.

(When baby Krishna was left half fed by Yasoda to mind some house hold chores, he got angry and broke the curd pot. Angered by this Yasoda tried to tie him to the mortar . But the length of any rope was not just sufficient. Seeing her exasperated, Lord Krishna made her tie him to the mortar.)

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 01
एकदा दधिविमाथकारिणीं मातरं समुपसेदिवान् भवान्
स्तन्यलोलुपतया निवारयन्नङ्कमेत्य पपिवान् पयोधरौ ॥१॥

ekadaa dadhivimaatha kaariNiiM maataraM samupasedivaan bhavaan |
stanya lOlupatayaa nivaarayannankametya papivaan payOdharau || 1

One day you went near your mother , churning curds,
Due to the desire to drink milk from her,
You stopped her and climbed on her lap,
And started drinking as you wanted. 47.1

 Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 02
अर्धपीतकुचकुड्मले त्वयि स्निग्धहासमधुराननाम्बुजे
दुग्धमीश दहने परिस्रुतं धर्तुमाशु जननी जगाम ते ॥२॥

ardhapiita kuchakuDmale tvayi snigdhahaasa madhuraananaambuje |
dugdhamiisha dahane parisrutaM dhartumaashu jananii jagaama te ||2

When your feeding had just half finished,
And when your lotus like opened with a smile,
Oh Lord your mother left suddenly,
To mind the milk that was kept for boiling. 47.2

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 03
मन्थदण्डमुपगृह्य पाटितं हन्त देव दधिभाजनं त्वया ॥३॥

 saamipiita rasabhanga sangata krOdhabhaara paribhuuta chetasaa |
mantha daNDamupagR^ihya paaTitaM hanta deva dadhi bhaajanaM tvayaa ||

Oh God , due to the welling anger due to,
Your drinking milk , being stopped in the middle,
You took a churning rod and alas, broke the curd pot. 47.3

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 04
उच्चलद्ध्वनितमुच्चकैस्तदा सन्निशम्य जननी समाद्रुता
त्वद्यशोविसरवद्ददर्श सा सद्य एव दधि विस्तृतं क्षितौ ॥४॥

 uchchalad dhvanitamuchchakaistadaa sannishamya jananii samaadrutaa |
tvadyashO visaravaddadarshasaa sadya eva dadhi vistR^itaM kshitau ||4

Then hearing the very loud noise that was heard,
Your mother came running to find out about it,
And saw the curd which had spread all over,
Which was like your fame which is spread everywhere. 47.4
Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 05
वेदमार्गपरिमार्गितं रुषा त्वमवीक्ष्य परिमार्गयन्त्यसौ
सन्ददर्श सुकृतिन्युलूखले दीयमाननवनीतमोतवे ॥५॥ 

vedamaarga parimaargitaM ruShaa tvaamaviikshya parimaargayantyasau |
sandadarsha sukR^itinyuluukhale diiyamaana navaniitamOtave ||5

When she was not able to see you,
Who is being searched by the Vedas,
That blessed mother saw you sitting on the mortar,
And feeding butter to a cat. 47.5

 Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 06
त्वां प्रगृह्य बत भीतिभावनाभासुराननसरोजमाशु सा
रोषरूषितमुखी सखीपुरो बन्धनाय रशनामुपाददे ॥६॥

tvaaM pragR^ihya bata bhiiti bhaavanaa bhaasuraanana sarOjamaashu saa|
rOSha ruuShita mukhii sakhiipurO bandhanaaya rashanaamupaadade ||6

Immediately that Yasoda became very angry,
Caught hold of you who had a shining lotus like face,
Due to the act of fear that you were putting on,
Before her friends, and took a rope to tie you. 47.6

 Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 07
बन्धुमिच्छति यमेव सज्जनस्तं भवन्तमयि बन्धुमिच्छती
सा नियुज्य रशनागुणान् बहून् द्व्यङ्गुलोनमखिलं किलैक्षत ॥७॥

bandhumichChati yameva sajjanastaM bhavantamayi bandhumichChatii |
saa niyujya rashanaaguNaan bahuun dvyangulOnamakhilaM kilaikshata || 7
Oh God , That Yasoda decided to tie you,
Who made good people want to get tied up with you,
And even though she tied many ropes to tie you,
Those ropes always were short by two inches to tie you. 47.7

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 08

विस्मितोत्स्मितसखीजनेक्षितां स्विन्नसन्नवपुषं निरीक्ष्य ताम्
नित्यमुक्तवपुरप्यहो हरे बन्धमेव कृपयाऽन्वमन्यथा: ॥८॥

vismitOtismata sakhiijanekshitaaM svinnasannavapuShaM niriikshya taam |
nityamuktavapurapyahO hare bandhameva kR^ipayaa(a)nvamanyathaaH || 8

Oh Hari, when her friends were staring with smile and wonder,
You seeing your mother very tired and covered with sweat,
Were filled with pity and though you had a form which is not bounded,
Wonder of wonders ,Gave permission to being tied by your mother. 47.8

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 09

स्थीयतां चिरमुलूखले खलेत्यागता भवनमेव सा यदा।
प्रागुलूखलबिलान्तरे तदा सर्पिरर्पितमदन्नवास्थिथा: ॥९॥

 sthiiyataaM chiramuluukhale khaletyaagataa bhavanameva saa yadaa |
praaguluukhalabilaantare tadaa sarpirarpita madannavaasthithaaH ||

As soon as your mother went to the house after tying you,
And saying , “Let this mischief be tied to this mortar for some time,”,
You started eating the butter that you had stored in the hollow of the mortar. 47.9 

Dasakam: 047 -- Slokam: 10

यद्यपाशसुगमो विभो भवान् संयत: किमु सपाशयाऽनया
एवमादि दिविजैरभिष्टुतो वातनाथ परिपाहि मां गदात् ॥१०॥

yadyapaasha sugamO vibhO bhavaan sanyataH kimu sapaashayaa(a)nayaa |
evamaadi divijai-rabhiShTutO vaatanaatha paripaahi maam gadaat || 10

Oh Lord, the gods in the heaven praised you,
“Oh god, if you are available to only those without attachment*,
How did Yasoda who has great attachment to you , tie you,”,
And Oh God please save me from this sickness. 47.10
*Pasa the word also can be translated as rope.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dasakam 46 The story of Yasoda seeing the universe in the mouth of baby Krishna.

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 46 --

Hear this Dasakam 46     

  Dasakam 46 The story of Yasoda seeing the universe in the mouth of baby Krishna.

(Lord Krishna’s friends complained that he had eaten mud. When he denied it, his mother asked to open his mouth. There Yasoda saw the entire Universe.)

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 01
अयि देव पुरा किल त्वयि स्वयमुत्तानशये स्तनन्धये
परिजृम्भणतो व्यपावृते वदने विश्वमचष्ट वल्लवी ॥१॥

ayi deva puraa kila tvayi svayamuttaanashaye stanandhaye |
parijR^imbhaNatO vyapaavR^ite vadane vishvamachaShTa vallavii ||

Oh God once , when you were sucking and drinking milk ,
From your mother, lying flatly on her open lap,
You broke in to a yawn and the Gopi who was your mother,
Happened to see the entire universe in side your mouth. 46.1

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 02
पुनरप्यथ बालकै: समं त्वयि लीलानिरते जगत्पते
फलसञ्चयवञ्चनक्रुधा तव मृद्भोजनमूचुरर्भका: ॥२॥

punarapyatha baalakaiH samaM tvayi liilaanirate jagatpate |
phalasa~nchayava~nchanakrudhaa tava mR^idbhOjanamuuchurarbhakaaH || 2

Oh Lord of the universe , at another time ,
When you were playing with your friends,
You deceived them while gathering fruits,
And they went and complained to your mother that you ate mud. 46.2

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 03
अयि ते प्रलयावधौ विभो क्षितितोयादिसमस्तभक्षिण:
मृदुपाशनतो रुजा भवेदिति भीता जननी चुकोप सा ॥३॥

ayi te pralayaavadhau vibhO kshiti tOyaadi samasta bhakshiNaH |
mR^idupaashanatO rujaa bhavediti bhiitaa jananii chukOpa saa || 3

Oh God , felling that you who have made all the earth and water,
Inside you at the time of the great deluge,
Would become sick by eating little mud,
Your mother became very angry with you. 46.3

 Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 04
 अयि दुर्विनयात्मक त्वया किमु मृत्सा बत वत्स भक्षिता
इति मातृगिरं चिरं विभो वितथां त्वं प्रतिजज्ञिषे हसन् ॥४॥

ayi durvinayaatmaka tvayaa kimu mR^itsaa bata vatsa bhakshitaa |
iti maatR^igiraM chiraM vibhO vitathaaM tvaM pratijaj~niShe hasan || 4

When your mother asked you with concern,
“Hey kid who puts on an act of obedience,
So you have eaten mud , in spite of my telling you,”,
Oh God you smilingly kept silent ,
Making her feel that her anger is without any effect. 46.4

 Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 05
अयि ते सकलैर्विनिश्चिते विमतिश्चेद्वदनं विदार्यताम्
इति मातृविभर्त्सितो मुखं विकसत्पद्मनिभं व्यदारय: ॥५॥
ayite sakalairvinishchite vimatishchedvadanaM vidaaryataam |
iti maatR^ivibhartsitO mukhaM vikasatpadmanibhaM vyadaarayaH || 5

Then when your mother being upset chided you,
“Little one , if you do not agree with,
What all these children are telling with certainty,
Please open your mouth, let us see.”
And without any hesitation , you opened,
Your mouth which was like , a just opening lotus flower. 46.5

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 06
अपि मृल्लवदर्शनोत्सुकां जननीं तां बहु तर्पयन्निव
पृथिवीं निखिलां केवलं भुवनान्यप्यखिलान्यदीदृश: ॥६॥

api mR^illavadarshanOtsukaaM jananiiM taaM bahu tarpayanniva |
pR^ithiviiM nikhilaaM na kevalaM bhuvanaanyapyakhilaanyadiidR^ishaH || 6

Possibly with an idea of satisfying the curiosity of your mother,
Who was minutely examining your mouth for traces of mud,
You not only showed her this entire earth,
But also the universe consisting of all worlds. 46.6

 Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 07
कुहचिद्वनमम्बुधि: क्वचित् क्वचिदभ्रं कुहचिद्रसातलम्
मनुजा दनुजा: क्वचित् सुरा ददृशे किं तदा त्वदानने ॥७॥

kuhachidvanamambudhiH kvachitkvachidabhraM kuhachidrasaatalam |
manujaa danujaaH kvachitsuraa dadR^ishe kiM na tadaa tvadaanane || 7

She saw in your open mouth , in one place forests,
In another place sea , yet another place the sky,
In yet another place nether world, men asuras and devas,
And there was nothing that she was not able to see in your mouth ,
For all the fourteen worlds and their things were there. 46.7

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 08

कलशाम्बुधिशायिनं पुन: परवैकुण्ठपदाधिवासिनम्
स्वपुरश्च निजार्भकात्मकं कतिधा त्वां ददर्श सा मुखे ॥८॥

kalashaambudhi shaayinaM punaH paravaikuNTha padaadhivaasinam |
svapurashcha nijaarbhakaatmakaM katidhaa tvaaM na dadarsha saa mukhe || 8

In your mouth again she saw you as the one,
Who sleeps in the ocean of milk,
As the divine one who lived in Vaikunta,
And also you as a baby just standing in front of her.
And was there any form of yours that she did not see there? 46.8 

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam: 09 

विकसद्भुवने मुखोदरे ननु भूयोऽपि तथाविधानन:
अनया स्फुटमीक्षितो भवाननवस्थां जगतां बतातनोत् ॥९॥
vikasad bhuvane mukhOdare nanu bhuuyO(a)pi tathaa vidhaananaH |
anayaa sphuTamiikshitO bhavaananavasthaaM jagataaM bataatanOt || 9

Seeing in your mouth the entire unfolding universe,
She also saw you clearly standing with open mouth in front of her,
And this clearly explained to her that ,
All this world is limitless and temporary. 46.9

Dasakam: 046 -- Slokam:1 0
धृततत्त्वधियं तदा क्षणं जननीं तां प्रणयेन मोहयन्
स्तनमम्ब दिशेत्युपासजन् भगवन्नद्भुतबाल पाहि माम् ॥१०॥ 

dhR^itatattvadhiyaM tadaa kshaNaM jananiiM taaM praNayena mOhayan |
stanamamba dishetyupaasajan bhagavannadbhutabaala paahi maam ||10

Then , when for a second she returned to the world of realty,
You charmed her with the very affectionate illusion ,
And asked from her more milk and lay on her lap,
And Oh wonderful child , please take care of me. 46.10

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dasakam 45 Childhood pranks

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 45 --

Dasakam 45 Childhood pranks

(Krishna , became a slightly older baby and kept on doing the childhood pranks which entertained everybody.)

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 01
अयि सबल मुरारे पाणिजानुप्रचारै:
किमपि भवनभागान् भूषयन्तौ भवन्तौ
चलितचरणकञ्जौ मञ्जुमञ्जीरशिञ्जा-
श्रवणकुतुकभाजौ चेरतुश्चारुवेगात् ॥१॥

ayi sabala muraare paaNijaanu prachaaraiH
kimapi bhavanabhaagaan bhuuShayantau bhavantau |
chalita charaNaka~njau ma~njuma~njiira shi~njaa
shravaNa kutuka bhaajau cheratushchaaru vegaat || 1 

Oh Krishna who is along with Balatama,
You both were crawling on your legs and hands,
And lit up different places charmingly,
And anxious to hear the jingle of your own anklets,
Rotated your legs and moved prettily. 45.1

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 02

मृदु मृदु विहसन्तावुन्मिषद्दन्तवन्तौ
वदनपतितकेशौ दृश्यपादाब्जदेशौ
मतिमहरतमुच्चै: पश्यतां विश्वनृणाम् ॥२॥

mR^idu mR^idu vihasantau unmiShaddantavantau
vadana patita keshau dR^ishya paadaabja deshau |
bhuja galita karaanta vyaalagat kankaNaankau
matimaharatamuchchaiH pashyataaM vishvanR^INaam ||2

With a very pretty soft, soft smile revealing your teeth,
With curls of hair falling all over your face,
With soles of your feet visible while you are crawling,
And with your bangles sliding and resting on your wrist,
You both have completely charmed the minds of onlookers. 45.2

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 03
अनुसरति जनौघे कौतुकव्याकुलाक्षे
किमपि कृतनिनादं व्याहसन्तौ द्रवन्तौ
वलितवदनपद्मं पृष्ठतो दत्तदृष्टी
किमिव विदधाथे कौतुकं वासुदेव ॥३॥

anusarati janaughe kautuka vyaakulaakshe
kimapi kR^ita ninaadaM vyaahasantau dravantau |
valita vadanapadmaM pR^iShThatO dattadR^iShTii
kimiva na vidadhaathe kautukaM vaasudeva ||3

When with a look of ecstasy people try to catch you both,
You make some peculiar sound , laugh loudly and run away,
And then turn back your lovely face and stare at them,
Oh son of Vasudeva , what a great pleasure you gave to those people? 45.3

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 04
द्रुतगतिषु पतन्तावुत्थितौ लिप्तपङ्कौ
दिवि मुनिभिरपङ्कै: सस्मितं वन्द्यमानौ
द्रुतमथ जननीभ्यां सानुकम्पं गृहीतौ
मुहुरपि परिरब्धौ द्राग्युवां चुम्बितौ ॥४॥

drutagatiShu patantau utthitau liptapankau
divi munibhirapankaiH sasmitaM vandyamaanau |
drutamatha jananiibhyaaM saanukampaM gR^ihiitau
muhurapi parirabdhau draagyuvaaM chumbitau cha || 4

When you were running like that , some time you slip and fall,
And then manage to get up with dirt coated all over you,
And those sages who are dust free salute you with a smile,
And by that time your mothers reach there,
And with pity take you up and hug you as you are,
And then they shower and cover you with kisses. 45.4

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 05
स्नुतकुचभरमङ्के धारयन्ती भवन्तं
तरलमति यशोदा स्तन्यदा धन्यधन्या
कपटपशुप मध्ये मुग्धहासाङ्कुरं ते
दशनमुकुलहृद्यं वीक्ष्य वक्त्रं जहर्ष ॥५॥

snuta kuchabharamanke dhaarayantii bhavantaM
taralamati yashOdaa stanyadaa dhanyadhanyaa |
kapaTapashupa madhye mugdhahaasaankuraM te
dashanamukula hR^idyaM viikshya vaktraM jaharSha ||5

When her breasts are filled with milk , the very lucky Yasoda,
Would cradle you in her lap , and feed you with her mind wavering with excitement,
In the middle , Oh baby who has put on the guise of cowherd,
She attained the acme of joy by seeing your charming face and budding teeth. 45.5

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 06
तदनुचरणचारी दारकैस्साकमारा-
न्निलयततिषु खेलन् बालचापल्यशाली
भवनशुकविडालान् वत्सकांश्चानुधावन्
कथमपि कृतहासैर्गोपकैर्वारितोऽभू: ॥६॥

tadanu charaNachaarii daarakaiH saakamaaraat
nilayatatiShu khelan baalachaapalyashaalii |
bhavana shuka biDaalaan vatsakaamshchaanudhaavan
kathamapi kR^itahaasaiH gOpakaiH vaaritO(a)bhuuH ||6

When you started walking and running , and started playing with neighboring children,
You who used to engage in several attractive mischief and pranks,
And started chasing and catching pet parrots, cats and calves,
The Gopas with loud laugh used to prevent you by blocking your way. 45.6

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 07
हलधरसहितस्त्वं यत्र यत्रोपयातो
विवशपतितनेत्रास्तत्र तत्रैव गोप्य:
विगलितगृहकृत्या विस्मृतापत्यभृत्या
मुरहर मुहुरत्यन्ताकुला नित्यमासन् ॥७॥

haladhara sahitastvaM yatra yatrOpayaatO
vivasha patita netraaH tatra tatraiva gOpyaH |
vigalita gR^ihakR^ityaa vismR^itaapatya bhR^ityaaH
murahara muhuratyantaakulaa nityamaasan || 7

Oh killer of Mura, wherever you and your brother Balarama went,
The eyes of the enraptured Gopis followed you ceaselessly,
And they forgetting their household chores, their children and also servants,
Used to follow you often and were seen to have time for nothing else. 45.7

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 08
प्रतिनवनवनीतं गोपिकादत्तमिच्छन्
कलपदमुपगायन् कोमलं क्वापि नृत्यन्
सदययुवतिलोकैरर्पितं सर्पिरश्नन्
क्वचन नवविपक्वं दुग्धमप्यापिबस्त्वम् ॥८॥

pratinava navaniitaM gOpikaadattamichChan
kalapadamupagaayan kOmalaM kvaapi nR^ityan |
sadayayuvati lOkairarpitaM sarpirashnan
kvachana navavipakvaM dugdhamapyaapibastvam || 8

With extreme desire to eat butter that was given to you by the Gopis,
Some times you used to sing sweetly and dance attractively,
And some other times you ate the butter given by the kind Gopis,
And also drank the freshly boiled milk given by them. 45.8

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam: 09

मम खलु बलिगेहे याचनं जातमास्ता-
मिह पुनरबलानामग्रतो नैव कुर्वे
इति विहितमति: किं देव सन्त्यज्य याच्ञां
दधिघृतमहरस्त्वं चारुणा चोरणेन ॥९॥

mama khalu baligehe yaachanaM jaatamaastaam
iha punarabalaanaamagratO naiva kurve |
iti vihitamatiH kiM deva santyajya yaach~naaM
dadhighR^itamaharastvaM chaaruNaa chOraNena ||9

Oh God, possibly thinking that “ I was forced to beg Mahabali,
But I am not prepared to beg before these weak damsels,”
You decided to abandon the way of getting things by begging,
And took resort to the other way of very cleverly planned theft. 45.9

 Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam:10
तव दधिघृतमोषे घोषयोषाजनाना-
मभजत हृदि रोषो नावकाशं शोक:
हृदयमपि मुषित्वा हर्षसिन्धौ न्यधास्त्वं
मम शमय रोगान् वातगेहाधिनाथ ॥१०॥ 

tava dadhighR^itamOShe ghOShayOShaajanaanaam
abhajata hR^idi rOShO naavakaashaM na shOkaH |
hR^idayamapi muShitvaa harShasindhau nyadhaastvaM
sa mama shamaya rOgaan vaatagehaadhinaatha || 10

The ladies of the Vruja desa did not bother about your stealing their curds,
And they were not pained by it also , most probably because,
You had drowned them in the ocean of joy by stealing their minds,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who was like that , please cure my diseases. 45.10

The sloka 11 and 12 given below are not there in the authorized Vanamala version.

 शाखाग्रे विधुं विलोक्य फलमित्य्म्बां तातं मुहु:
संप्रार्थ्याथ तदा तदीयवचसा प्रोत्क्षिप्तबाहौ त्वयि।
चित्रं देव शशी ते कर्मगात् किं ब्रूमहे संपत:
ज्योतिर्मण्डलपूरिताखिलवपु: प्रागा विराड्रूपताम् ११॥

shaakhaagera(a)tha vidhuM vilOkya phalamityambaaM cha taataM muhuH
sampraarthyaatha tadaa tadiiyavachasaa prOtkshiptabaahau tvayi |
chitraM deva shashii sa te karamagaatkiM bruumahe sampatajjyOtirmaNDalapuuritaakhilavapuH
praagaa viraaDruupataam ||

One day seeing the shining moon above the tree branches,
You mistook it to be a fruit and you pestered your parents for it,
And when they for fun asked you to call it yourself,
On your summoning the moon descended straight in to your hands,
Along with the innumerable stars and you appeared in your supreme form. 45.11 

किं किं बतेदमिति संभ्रम भाजमेनं
ब्रह्मार्णवे क्षणममुं परिमज्ज्य तातम्
मायां पुनस्तनय-मोहमयीं वितन्वन्
आनन्दचिन्मय जगन्मय पाहि रोगात् ॥१२॥

Dasakam: 045 -- Slokam:12

kiM kiM batedamiti sambhramabhaajamenaM
brahmaarNave kshaNamamuM parimajjya taatam |
maayaaM punastanayamOhamayiiM vitanvannaanandachinmaya
jaganmaya paahi rOgaat ||

When the father was wonderstruck and started prattling “What, what is it”,
You drowned that father for a moment in the divine ocean of joy,
And later brought back the illusion of you being his son,
And Oh God who is like that , save me from my diseases. 45.12

Monday, August 27, 2018

Dasakam 44 Naming ceremony and casting of horoscope

Narayaneeyam Dasakam: 44 --

Dasakam 44 Naming ceremony and casting of horoscope

(Worried by these happenings Nandagopa and Yasoda consult their Guru sage Garga , who knew that Lord Krishna was God himself. Sage Garga consoled them and at their request named him as Krishna. Krishna would mean that which leads to joy and peace. It also means a boy who is black.The sage also made a horoscope of the boy and read his future. He named Rohini’s son as Rama)

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 01
गूढं वसुदेवगिरा कर्तुं ते निष्क्रियस्य संस्कारान्
हृद्गतहोरातत्त्वो गर्गमुनिस्त्वत् गृहं विभो गतवान् ॥१॥

 guuDhaM vasudeva giraa kartuM te niShkriyasya samskaaraan |
hR^idgatahOraa tattvO gargamunistvad gR^ihaM vibhO gatavaan ||

Oh Lord, Sage Garga who is an expert in the science of astrology,
Came as per the secret request of Vasudeva , to your house,
To conduct naming and other ceremonies,
To you who is very much beyond all ceremonies. 44.1

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 02

नन्दोऽथ नन्दितात्मा वृन्दिष्टं मानयन्नमुं यमिनाम्
मन्दस्मितार्द्रमूचे त्वत्संस्कारान् विधातुमुत्सुकधी: ॥२॥

nandO(a)tha nanditaatmaa bR^indiShTaM maanayannamuM yaminaam |
mandasmitaardramuuche tvatsamskaaraan vidhaatumutsukadhiiH ||2

Afterwards the very much pleased Nandagopa,
with great zest to conduct the naming ceremony,
Respected Garga who was greatest among sages,
With a soft smile and made a request to him. 44.2

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 03
यदुवंशाचार्यत्वात् सुनिभृतमिदमार्य कार्यमिति कथयन्
गर्गो निर्गतपुलकश्चक्रे तव साग्रजस्य नामानि ॥३॥

yaduvamshaachaaryatvaatsunibhR^itamidamaarya kaaryamiti kathayan |
gargO nirgata pulakashchakre tava saagrajasya naamaani ||3

Sage Garga , thrilled at the prospect told,
“Since I am the Guru of the Yadhu clan,
This ceremony should be performed very secretly,”
And named you along with your elder brother. 44.3

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 04
कथमस्य नाम कुर्वे सहस्रनाम्नो ह्यनन्तनाम्नो वा
इति नूनं गर्गमुनिश्चक्रे तव नाम नाम रहसि विभो ॥४॥

kathamasya naama kurve sahasranaamnO hyanantanaamnO vaa |
iti nuunaM gargamunishchakre tava naama naama rahasi vibhO ||4

The sage Garga must have decided to conduct the ceremony in secret,
Possibly wondering as to how he will ever give a name to you,
Who has one thousand names or even countless names. 44.4

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 05
कृषिधातुणकाराभ्यां सत्तानन्दात्मतां किलाभिलपत्
जगदघकर्षित्वं वा कथयदृषि: कृष्णनाम ते व्यतनोत् ॥५॥

kR^iShidhaatuNakaaraabhyaaM sattaanandaatmataaM kilaabhilapat |
jagadaghakarShitvaM vaa kathayadR^iShiH kR^iShNa naama te vyatanOt ||

Adding the prefix “Krish” to the suffix “Na”,
To denote that you are embodiment of true joy,
Or possibly denoting you as the one who destroys sins of the world,
The great sage named you as “Krishna.”. 44.5

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 06

 अन्यांश्च नामभेदान् व्याकुर्वन्नग्रजे रामादीन्
अतिमानुषानुभावं न्यगदत्त्वामप्रकाशयन् पित्रे ॥६॥

anyaashcha naamabhedaan vyaakurvannagraje cha raamaadiin |
atimaanuShaanubhaavaM nyagadattvaamaprakaashayan pitre ||

He also gave you other names and also ,
Gave names like Rama to your elder brother,
And explained their significance to Nanda your father,
Without revealing that you are God but made him understand,
That you are a superman with qualities which are not in others. 44.6

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 07
स्निह्यति यस्तव पुत्रे मुह्यति मायिकै: पुन: शोकै:
द्रुह्यति : तु नश्येदित्यवदत्ते महत्त्वमृषिवर्य: ॥७॥

snihyati yastava putre muhyati sa na maayikaiH punaH shOkaiH |
druhyati yaH sa tu nashyedityavadatte mahattvamR^iShivaryaH ||

That great sage telling about your greatness told,
“He who shows love to your son , would be free from Maya,
And will never ever suffer sorrows of this world,
And he who causes trouble to him would be destroyed.” 44.7

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 08
जेष्यति बहुतरदैत्यान् नेष्यति निजबन्धुलोकममलपदम्
श्रोष्यसि सुविमलकीर्तीरस्येति भवद्विभूतिमृषिरूचे ॥८॥

jeShyati bahutaradaityaan neShyati nijabandhulOkaM amalapadam |
shrOShyati suvimalakiirtiirasyeti bhavadvibhuutiM R^iShiruuche ||

Again sage Garga telling about your greatness told,
“This baby will win over very large number of Asuras,
Keep his own people in a place devoid of any sorrow,
And you will hear about his very pure fame.” 44.8

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 09
अमुनैव सर्वदुर्गं तरितास्थ कृतास्थमत्र तिष्ठध्वम्
हरिरेवेत्यनभिलपन्नित्यादि त्वामवर्णयत् मुनि: ॥९॥

amunaiva sarvadurgaM taritaastha kR^itaasthamatra tiShThadhvam |
harirevetyanabhilapannityaadi tvaamavarNayat sa muniH || 9

That sage further described without revealing you are Hari,
That “you will cross all obstacles with the help of this baby,
And so remain always with devotion to this baby”. 44.9

Dasakam: 044 -- Shlokam: 10
गर्गेऽथ निर्गतेऽस्मिन् नन्दितनन्दादिनन्द्यमानस्त्वम्
मद्गदमुद्गतकरुणो निर्गमय श्रीमरुत्पुराधीश ॥१०॥

garge(a)tha nirgate(a)sminnandita nandaadi nandyamaanastvam |
madgatamudgatakaruNO nirgamaya shriimarutpuraadhiisha ||

Oh Lord of Guruvayur , You who was nurtured and pampered,
By the very happy Nanda Gopa and others,
After the departure of sage Garga , may please ,cure my illness. 44.10